soooo enjoyed doing
this challenge as I haven't painted so much since I was a kid... it's amazing how you don't really forget... just that the ability to do something lies dormant in you until you rediscover an interest. I am so inspired by Linda's paintings that I wanted to do something similar but I always manage to end up with something on the twee side...
lol Maybe that's just part of my personality which comes out in what I create.

Anyway I am slightly impressed with myself that I managed to finish her... even though I re-painted her face so many times it's a wonder it doesn't stand off the block an inch on it's own... she had small eyes and big lips, then smaller lips and a nose, then big eyes big lips and no nose... honestly a face lift from a surgeon would've been quicker. I can draw cute faces but when it comes to filling them in with the paintbrush I was totally
kak handed. The paint was going in
every direction but the one I wanted...
I also found that what looks like delicate painting in reality.... looks quite
splodgy when you take the photo to put on your blog... but then that could also be my eyesight :D I am glad that I have finished my piece and even managed to add a wee bit of
bling...well I just had to didn't I.... but I think I need to keep on practicing to enjoy my art adventure more :D
have a great evening
Chris xx
Wonderful Chris and so original!! These really are addictive I am finding :) oxo
Wow they are gorgeous Chris - the colours are so vibrant
Hey do you wanna give me a face lift?
she is gorgeous and like Patty said Original.
well done my friend
chriss x
these are lovely xxx
Very Nice Chris, Love the colours and I think you have done a fantastic job with the face, Jaqi x
They're brilliant Chris!
Well Itell ya what Chris..These are `gorgeous` Chris...Wow Can you do my face please?ok then Maybe not even a surgeon would say no to all my wrinklies!!!!lol...
Big (((hugs)))...Your always able to put a smile on my face:)~X~
OMG this is beautiful. If you think it is splody IT IS NOT. The effect is awesome I love it! Your talent has no limits.
She is beautiful Chris - gorgeous face and stunning colours. I second Chriss's comment - face lift for me too please LOL. xxx Karen
Oh Chris...I am really pleased you had a go at this, and the result is fantastic! I am so glad someone else is enjoying painting woodblocks - I love it!
Linda xx
Wow, beautiful. love the lovely background colours.
Really loving this art adventure that you're on ! & when did you change the blog header ? or havent I noticed earlier ? áck ! such vibrant cheery colours on vellum ? ít's so original & refreshing !
Oh Chris these are so original.
Unbelievable ATC´s. Love them. Excellent work.
Wow! Brilliant color and design.
This is what ABAA is all about - having a go at something, and what a great result! You certainly can't tell that you had so many attempts at the face. Well done Chris and thanks for joining in our challenge!
Rosie ABAA
Wow is right! Love the color and your cool chick!
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