Well it's technically Friday but this is Thursdays post cos it's been one of those days when nothing has really gone to plan
time wise... but in a nice way. Dad continues to improve and is getting into trouble from the nurses already for not doing as he's told... though when they see the glint of devilment in his eyes I know telling him off will be very tongue in cheek :D He always manages to come out of hospital with a dozen more friends than he went in with. Thank you all for your comments wishing him well.. it means a lot to me. I've spent today running backwards and forwards to appointments and the like so no crafting done today... planned to do it this evening but ended up on the phone chatting for 3hrs (could be more actually ... sorry Sharon but when I talk .... I really talk...
So it's just as well I have my Blue Peter project ready (you know... here's one I made earlier...lol)
My final Halloween creation... well the witching hour is almost here. I ate all the popcorn from the tub.... but only in the interest of Trick 'a' Treat you understand... DG will need it empty to store his collection of goodies :D

More black paint on this one... but only because on my bottle on the post further down the paint took an age to dry... so I started doing the bucket in between coats.

I was really good with my addiction too... cut up some RIBBON... lots of it!!!
Made sure that the time was displayed in the window so the witches will know what hour to go witching on their broomsticks....

and ensured there was a bat to keep an eye on the bubbling cauldron :D

Pumpkins and monsters are ready for tricking ... with bags ready for the alternative treats

with huge grins to scare you into submission...
and whoever misses out on tradition could well find themselves followed around by these fellas... just to make sure you get the message. So Happy Halloween and boo to you all ;-D
Credits (all images except computer generated lettering are Kate Hadfield)
Thanks for looking
Chris xx