Okay I wasn't going to share this with you... cos I'm shy Mary Ellen I'm shy...rofl BUT as I decided to share it on the Fiskarettes blog I thought it only fair to put it on my own blog too. Chriss has been daring me to do it for ages so now she has to put hers on her blog as well (are you listening Chriss...lol) Although she is better dressed than I am ;-)

Somehow I managed to end up with proper Nanna legs AND shoes... says a lot about my papercutting doesn't it. Bet you LOVE my natty handbag and gloves though don't ya...don't ya... you know you want some too right!!! I've got bling so that's all I really care about and In DG eyes I'm the Queen of the Nanna's so I had to have a crown :D
I'm entering this for the
Artygirlz blue and orange combo challenge... in for a penny in for a pound... may as well let everyone see it and let the world laugh at my expense.... Laughter is good for the soul so they say :D
Ok Ok get up off of your knees and wipe your eyes.... I dare you all to make one of your own... it's not easy to make yourself look beautiful with paper clothes unless you are a good paper cutter... go on... go on... it will be good for you to share. Come back and let me know if you do one so I can come look :D
Chris xx
Oh I love it!!!!!!
I want to do one of me now but I'll still be hiding behind the camera lol
Thanks for joining in with Arty Girlz Chris and I'm off to make sure that Chriss has put hers on her blog too tee hee
Julie xx
oh chris this is bloody brilliant LOL at the nannas legs and shoes. you look dead cool thanks for sharing it with us.
Thanks for joining in with the Arty Girlz challenge.
crissi xx
Chris, You look WONDERFUL!
OK I will put mine up too. Cant believe you showed yours...ROFPMSL.
Chris, this is hilarious and beautiful at the same time.
I seriously think this is adorable! You looks marvelous!!
Well whatever everyone is laughing about I bet it is hilarious. I can't see the picture for some reason. Shall pop over to Fiskerettes to check it out if you have uploaded it there.
what a wonderful arch !!! love it.
LOL how fantastic :o)) x
Oh you DIVA!!!
`Wow` get you you look flamin `gorgeous` there Chris..lovin that dress..lol...:)~X~
Have a lovely Evening:)~X~
Wow this is hilarious Chris.....you look just like her Maj with your gloves and handbag
Brilliant...I just adore those legs!! You did a totally awesome job on this Chris!!
Drop by my blog I have something for you!!
HAHAHA!!! I love it....wonderful work and just perfect for the theme this week....
That is the cutest thing!
So funny, you look a bit like the queen with that handbag!!(much younger of course, she said hastily) Great idea.
I love these a new phenomena I like black outfits too. I had a good chuckle at Chriss's too. I think you resemble the queen! Pascale
Aww this is very Queenlike - give us a regal wave Chris!!!
Brilliant humour - love it!
Nothing wrong with Nana Legs!! LOL
Chris that is hilarious!! Yes you do look like a right 'nanna'! But you're fabulous with it.
Thanks for sharing - you're a 'paper' doll.
Jo :)
Chriss sent me....just had to have a peek, you look marvelous darlink :) These are lots of fun!
this is still making me laugh Chris..I wanna try one,hopefully today....xxxxxx
Hehe, looks soooo great!! :o)
I love it,sooo cute!!
Oh bless you Chris - made me chuckle this morning! This is flippin' brilliant!
ok so I did go grab a cup of coffee b4 typing up this comment - lol - no , didnt spit into monitor nor keyboard ! lol
love how you take digs at yourself & with your he{art} - you are just adorable here , my dear ! lol
Chris, I didn't laugh once....LOL!!! I love your arch! I am off to try one myself! This is fun!
This is such fun ! Love the shoes and legs !
You look great...and yes you look like a queen too..( will we have to curtsy and call you "Ma'am" now ....Lol!)
What a Glamorous Gran you are! Love the gloves and bling!
This is fantastic!
Fab - what a fun piece!
Love all the bling! Put a smile on my face.
This is just too fabulous for words ... I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT X
Haha........brilliant piece and you look marvellous!
Love how it turned out! Very fun!
Oh what a laugh........Dont you look a picture? What a laugh, Im not sure what it reminds me of! Its fabulous well done, Jaqi x
You inspired me !!
You can have a good laugh at me now HERE
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